ASV-PV is a combined differential pressure regulator and shut-off valve.
This variant is dimensioned so that the pressure loss over the component is max 10 kPa, based on the stated values in the calculator.
Regulation interval:
Based on the stated values, the following pressure losses are ensured::
DN15-25: 5-25 or 20-60 kPa
DN32-40: 5-25, 20-60 or 35-75 kPa
DN50: 5-25, 20-40, 35-75 or 60-100 kPa
DN65-100: 20-40, 35-75 or 60-100 kPa
Choosing e.g. an ASV-PV DN25, will lead to a pressure loss intervall of 5-25 kPa, or 20-60 kPa between flow and return flow
For pump dimensioning, a pressure loss of 10 kPa over the component, can be expected.
ASV-PV is a combined differential pressure regulator and shut-off valve. The valve is provided with handles for shut-off and in the center of handles; setting of differential pressure at collar / Allen key.
ASV-PV is used in heating and cooling systems to maintain a constant differential pressure over a group of radiators, underfloor heating manifolds, fan coils, cooling ceilings or motor valves. ASV-PV can be set to regulate differential pressure between; 5 KPa-25 KPa / 20-60 kPa / 35-75 kPa / 60-100 kPa.
The valve is mounted in return flow (balancing of differential pressure) and balancing valve ASV-BD or MSV-F2 is mounted in flow (balancing of flow / flow verification). ASV-PV ensures a constant differential pressure such that you have the correct pressure drop and flow over your valves (kv settings), as well as flow noise is avoided.
From the factory, the valve is preset.
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